Can I try using
this counseling service? |
to our Thai culture, most Thai people
are not familiar with counseling services.
It seems unpopular among Thai people
because Thais might hesitate to use
counseling services. if you find yourself
thinking like this, feel free to contact
us and we will answer any and all questions
you may have. |
Do I need to
receive counseling service? |
of us have received some trauma in the
past and it might evolve into an issue
that stops us from normally living our
lives or we might face difficult issues
in the present. Some of us might not
even know that we have problems but,
if you have a problem you can contact
us to receive counseling. |
What should
I do if I want to receive counseling? |
you want to receive counseling, please
contact us. Do not be afraid. Many people
who come to us for consulting are perfectly
normal people, they might just have
issues or problems that they are unable
to resolve by themselves. |
Why would I
talk to somebody I don’t even know? |
Normally, we would discuss our problems
with someone who is close to us because,
it will make us feel more secure. However,
talking to a professional counselor
is much better because, counselors are
trained to handle problems and help
people find the best way out of it.
So don’t be afraid. Talking to counselors
is worth taking the risk. |
Do I have to
be very stressed to receive counseling? |
people might say that you have to be
crazy or mentally ill to receive counseling
or they might say that if you come you
might turn out to be mentally ill but
we want you to change your perspective.
Counseling isn’t just for the mentally
sick but, people who have problems can
come and receive counseling too.
Am I so hopeless
that I created problems for myself and
had to come receive counseling? |
There are people who think that asking
for help shows weakness or they might
think that they’re not the cause of
the problem so why should they come
and receive counseling. Shouldn’t the
person who caused the problem come and
receive counseling. If you think that
this is the case, then please reconsider
because, sometimes people can’t solve
problems on their own maybe it’s because
their inexperienced or lack the knowledge
to do so. The second case is people
feel that they are not the cause of
the problem so they do not feel that
they should be the one receiving counseling
but, from our experience there are many
people who come and seek for counseling
even though they are not the one causing
the problem but, they are still affected
by the problem but, if you seek our
help you will find that you too, can
help stop this problem.
If I receive
counseling, can it really help me? |
Some people might think that counseling
is just letting out all your problems
and telling them to someone or they
might even think that it is nonsense
but, counseling is actually a cooperation
between two people to work together
and take on problems the counselor will
help give advice and suggestions and
person receiving counseling can choose
whether or not they want to act upon
that information.
Feel free to
contact us for more information about
counseling |
you want to get more information, or
you want to make an appointment with
us or if you even want to know about
the expenses for counseling so that
you can prepare or make a decision,
you can call us at
081-100-2428, 081-100-2460 (from 8.00-17.00)
Making appointment with us will help
you know what you really want from counseling
and we will also give you suggestions
for suitable services.
Remark : If you are
a part of EAP, you can make appointment
through the EAP hotline number service.
Postponing/canceling |
case you can not come to your appointment,
you can call us to postpone or cancel
your appointment 24 hours before your
appointment. If your counselor can not
give you new appointment, you can call
back again to make a new appointment
or ask the counselor to call you back
when they are able to make a new appointment.