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Counseling Service or Counseling is a pretty new word for Thai people. However, the benefits are much more than what we would expect. Counseling Service is the process that has been used to help solve one’s problems since long ago; counseling is informal and does not have procedures or clear processes of help and the methods of problem solving can vary depending on the experience and the individual understanding of the counselor.

However, our counseling service is the process of talking to clients to help them find new solutions to their problems, heal their wounds, give them advice or suggest new techniques to help improve their quality of life.

Counseling can also help deal with the core of your problem by utilizing the method of psychotherapy. Our professional counselors will help you deal with your problems effectively and directly. The counselors will use their knowledge and experience to help their clients by following the procedures of psychological counseling. Therefore, our counseling service is a science that determines the original problem and finds a solution specifically and directly.